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来源:沈阳吉他培训网 发布:刘巍老师 阅读:
发布时间:2019/8/3 10:33:34


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在1830年代,德国古典吉他制作家Christian Frederick Martin移民到了美国,不久他创立了C.F. Martin & Co.(马丁吉他公司),首次将X音梁结构应用到了吉他上。大家都知道,X音梁结构的引入使得吉他的面板可以承受更大的拉力,也就让使用钢丝琴弦成为了可能。










指弹大师Pierre Bensusan的持琴姿势非常古典











Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. 


It is a great pleasure to be here at the Woodpecker Acoustic Guitar festival. 


The word guitar can be traced to its Persian root: Tar. Best understood to mean string. As a Do-tara for example is a two stringed instrument and Ses-tar is a six stringed one. 


But the Guitar as a definition was most likely invented by the people of Malaga in the 15th century. That was a four stringed very small guitar, so more like what we today call a ukulele. 


Ever since the guitar has been in constant development and change. What we call the Renascence guitar became the baroque guitar. The guitar got six strings sometime in the end of the 18th century in Italy. This is now called a classical guitar since it was invented in the “classical” music period and was originally invented to serve the current musical taste. It was from this type of guitar that the type of guitars we know today developed from.


A German luthier of classical guitars Christian Frederick Martin emigrated in 1830s to the USA. Later founding the C.F. Martin & Co. who introduced the X bracing to the market. 


As you know the X bracing later made it possible to start using steel strings, since this construction could then hold the increased tension that the steal strings add. 


Simultaneously Torres in Spain invented the fan bracing for the classical guitar for the same reason which was to increase the volume. Later nylon strings replaced the gut strings which also helped create a louder sound.  


Although Classical Guitar and Finger Picking are two different styles of guitar and developed on their own in two different continents they carry a lot in common. 


Classical Guitar can also be referred to as an academic study, where you get a degree in Classical music. Technically speaking Classical guitar is the same as Fingerpicking only we use a strings from Nylon or nowadays increasingly more popular from Carbon. The difference between Classical and Fingerpicking guitar has more to do with the styles of music we play. 


If we instead of thinking of the Classical guitar as an academic study of music from the past and focus on the contemporary guitar music the finger picking and classical guitar are on the same journey. Modern Classical guitar composition often uses techniques developed by finger pickers such as tapping, retuning and percussive effects. 


The guitar is perhaps one of the most globalized instruments in the world. You today find guitar every where. It's an instrument that travels easily and seem to be able to adapt itself into different styles of music and cultures. Of course mainly being used as an instrument suitable to support singing. But with finger picking techniques like a piano the guitar can provide melody, base and harmony all on one instrument. 


Myself I have been particularly keen on music from the east, first I worked with Indian music for many years, but later I came to find a perfect match for the Classical Guitar making arrangements of Chinese Songs as well as make compositions in the style of Chinese traditional music. 


Myself I also begun playing steel string guitar and have found the transition very easy. Today I am more interested in looking at the guitar as a whole. I do hope that there can be more connection between the two worlds in the future.  




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