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来源:沈阳学吉他网 发布:刘巍老师 阅读:
发布时间:2018/10/28 11:14:05

本文借用Axe Fx II说明书中音箱的部分,来讲一讲其中很多专业名词的中文含义,希望大家学到英语的同时,又能增长不少关于吉他音箱的专业知识。



5.1.1 Basic Amp Parameters (TYPE, PRE, PWR, EQ Pages)

Amp Type

Amp types are presented in an alphabetical list. A complete table appears on p. 154. It is possible to adjust DRIVE, MASTER, and LEVEL parameters directly from the TYPE page by using the A, B, and C knobs.

A note on DRIVE controls: there are three possible drive configurations which vary based on the selected amp TYPE. Some amps have only an INPUT DRIVE control (i.e. BRIT 800, DELUXE VERB.) Other types have both INPUT DRIVE and OVERDRIVE (e.g. USA LEAD, ODS-100 LEAD.) Finally, those models that simulate “jumpering” the inputs of a 4-hole amplifier (e.g. PLEXI 50W JUMP, HIPOWER JUMPED) have separate individual TREBLE DRIVE and NORMAL DRIVE controls, which behave like Input Drive Controls for their respective channels.





Level——水平、电平,一般没有特指某一件事,而会与其他词语搭配,如send level,output level等等。

INPUT DRIVE – (aka “Drive”) sets the amount of preamp gain/distortion. Used in conjunction with the MASTER (see below), INPUT DRIVE determines whether the sound will be clean, slightly broken up, moderately overdriven, or completely distorted.

The Axe-Fx II faithfully reproduces the sound of the treble peaker circuit on the INPUT DRIVE control found on many amps. This can be heard as the low frequencies are attenuated more than the highs when the INPUT DRIVE is turned down (and vice versa).

For amps which have no MASTER VOLUME, the INPUT DRIVE functions as the amp’s VOLUME control.

Preamp—前级。Preamp gain/distortion就是前级增益/失真。


Broken up—刚刚过载。

Moderately overdriven—轻度过载。

Completely distorted—完全失真。

OVERDRIVE – The OVERDRIVE control appears only for certain amp types. Note that DRIVE and OVERDRIVE are applied to the appropriate points in the circuit for the amp being modeled, i.e. prior to the last triode stage or prior to the third triode.

INPUT TRIM – Amps without OVERDRIVE will display the INPUT TRIM instead. This allows you to adjust for more or less preamp gain than the actual circuit being modeled. This is different than theInput DRIVE control because DRIVE interacts with the surrounding circuitry, changing frequency response as it is varied.



BOOST – Toggles an additional 12 dB of gain at the input of the amp sim. (For amp types that have an OVERDRIVE control (see above,) BOOST appears only on the ADVANCED page.)


BASS, MID, TREBLE – While other modelers use simple filters to approximate amp tone controls, the Axe- Fx II replicates exactly the frequency and phase response of a classic passive tonestack. In most instances, matching knob settings between the Axe-Fx and the original amp will recreate the same tones.

Some of the original amps simulated on the Axe-Fx II do not have all of the tone controls offered on our models. Some, for example, have no mid control. To faithfully simulate the configuration of the original, set any superfluous controls to noon (or “0.00” if you are using the “ACTIVE” tonestack type; see below). Of course, you may still adjust to achieve tones the original amp does not have.

Extreme tone and high gain settings can cause pickup squealing or excessive noise. This is especially true with the TONESTACK TYPE (p. 54) set to “ACTIVE.”

Passive tonestack—被动式音调电路。Tonestack在字典里是查不到的,它指的就是高中低频控制的一整块电路。在吉他放大器里面,绝大多数音调电路都是被动式的,也就是衰减不同频段的信号以达到改变音色的目的。

BRIGHT – This is a high treble filter between the preamp and power amp, useful to darken or brighten the tone in a unique way. This control accurately replicates the “Presence” control on the original version of the “USA Pre” type amps. (Not to be confused with the “BRIGHT SWITCH” (see below) which engages/disengages a capacitor across the drive pot.

BRIGHT SWITCH – Many amplifiers contain a “treble peaker,” included as a pull or toggle switch, or even hard-wired. Every amp TYPE on the Axe-Fx II includes this control (even if the original mode does not). The effect may be subtle or quite pronounced depending on the amp TYPE. This is also affected by the BRIGHT CAP setting (p.54). If the original amp had no bright circuit, BRIGHT is OFF by default but can still be turned on to apply circuit values suited to an amp of that general type. If the amp has a hard-wired treble peaker, the default BRIGHT state is ON. To turn the bright switch ON or OFF, use the keys to select the TREBLE knob and press ENTER. The “BRT” switch beneath the knob will fill to indicate that the circuit is engaged.

Power amp—后级放大器。


Bright switch—提升高频的控制开关,打开后高频会更明显,更闪亮。它原来其实很简单,通过一个小电容,把高频信号绕过volume、gain、drive或者master等等这些增益的控制器,直接输出到下一级,所以在这些旋钮拧得特别小的时候,bright效果特别明显。这个电容有时通过提拉旋钮或者是拨档开关接通,有时也会直接焊接在电位器上,一直处于打开的状态,但说明书是不会写出来的,只能看具体电路。

CUT SWITCH – (engaged by a switch beneath BASS) reduces the amount of low frequencies into the amp simulation. This can be used to achieve a “tighter” tone or to reduce low-end “flub”.



Low-end “flub”—low-end一般就是我们说的最低的频段,有些人也理解是低频的下潜,flub就是“糊了”。低频太多导致过载容易糊,缺乏力度感,但有些人又喜欢这种带点发兹(fuzzy)的味道。

FAT SWITCH– In the same way the TREBLE knob (above) also controls BRIGHT, the MID operates as a “Fat” switch, emphasizing midrange “body” by shifting the tonestack center frequency down.

Fat—我们通常理解为“肥”,而这个肥来源于中频的频点变动和中高频的提升。“body”所指的大概就是这个fat的频段。但在Bogner Duende上的Master EQ,‘body’指的是低频控制。

SAT SWITCH – The Saturation Switch engages a popular mod between the preamp and the tonestack for a thicker, more aggressive distortion character. “ON” and “IDEAL” settings differ only in their effect on the output level. (“IDEAL” gives you the higher output level you wish a real amp had with saturation engaged ;-)





PRESENCE/HI-CUT – Boosts (or cuts) the upper frequencies from the power amp simulator by varying the negative feedback frequency response. Increased presence can help a sound cut through a heavy mix. Amps with no negative feedback circuits in their design cannot utilize a presence circuit. If NEGATIVE FDBK is set to “0.00,” PRESENCE becomes a negative high-shelf equalizer at the output of the power amp, and its label changes to “HI-CUT.” This allows you to control the high-frequency response of the power amp for models that don’t have any negative feedback. When changing to a model with no negative feedback (i.e. Class-A, Mr.Z, Recto Red), be sure to check your presence settings as settings higher than zero might darken the sound undesirably.

Negative feedback—负反馈。一种后级的电路设计,有助于加强后级工作的稳定性,会降低后级的增益以及失真,老式的presence控制就是通过调节高频段的负反馈,来达到控制高频响应和增益的效果。


DEPTH – Boosts low frequencies from the power amp simulation by varying the negative feedback frequency response. The DEPTH control is set by default to an appropriate value when the amp TYPE is selected, but this setting may be overridden.


TUBE TYPE – The virtual power amp in the Axe-Fx includes modeling of the plate impedance of the power tubes. Plate characteristics are adjustable via DYNAMIC DAMPING, an advanced parameter. The TUBE TYPE parameter sets DYNAMIC DAMPING automatically for you, allowing you to select from common power tube types instead of selecting a number. EL34, EL84, 6L6, 6V6, KT66, KT88, 6550, 6973, 6AQ5 and 300B (triode) are offered, as well as an ideal tetrode and ideal pentode. The power tube type defaults to the appropriate type when the amp type is selected but may be changed freely.

Plate—电子管的屏极。Plate impedance就是屏极阻抗,不同的电子管都会有各自不同的屏极阻抗,这是电子管的特性之一。

Dynamic damping—动态衰减或动态阻尼,这个也是属于电子管的特性。这个一般用户不需要深入了解了。

NEG FDBK – This controls the amount of negative feedback, or damping, in the power amp simulation. Higher values give a tighter and brighter sound but can sound harsh at very high master volume levels. Lower values give a loose and gritty sound and feel. Like many other power amp parameters, NEGATIVE FEEDBACK is set to an appropriate value whenever you change the amp TYPE, but it can then be changed as desired. For example, you might dial in some negative feedback on a “Top Boost” to give the power amp a more “American” sound while still retaining the preamp voicing.


MASTER VOLUME – The almighty Master Volume is a very important control. It determines the distortion and dynamics characteristics of the power amp simulator, and its setting is key to an amp’s sound. As the Master is turned up, the entire character of the amp will change. The tone controls will have less influence on the sound, and the sound will have more “bloom” and touch sensitivity. Settings for MASTER don’t necessarily correspond to knob positions on the amp being modeled. With a little experimentation on your favorite Axe- Fx II amps, you will learn to appreciate the qualities of different DRIVE and MASTER VOLUME settings and how to find the great tones offered by different combinations.

When you select an amp TYPE, the MASTER will change to an appropriate/typical setting for that amp. If a real amp doesn’t have a Master, the “correct” setting for MASTER VOLUME is 10.0.

At high Master settings, less drive is usually required, especially for high-gain types.

Amps designed for preamp distortion will typically sound great with the MASTER VOLUME set low to prevent the tone becoming muddy or noisy. This includes the USA Lead types, SOLO 100, and others.

Amps with negative feedback (damping greater than zero) tend to have a “crunchier” power amp distortion, which can get “raspy” if driven too hard. You can experiment with the interactivity of DAMPING (see Advanced Parameters, below) and MASTER VOLUME to achieve desired distortion timbres.

Setting SAG (see below) to zero will disable Power Amp simulation, at which point the MASTER becomes a simple level control with 40 dB of range.

If more power amp gain is desired, the MASTER VOLUME TRIM parameter (See section 5.1.4) can be used for increased range.

Master volume—总音量控制,在模拟器里面,这个旋钮是可以随意拧的,但在现实生活中却因为环境的限制,很难开到很大。它主要是控制后级信号的输入量,决定了后级是否饱满,是否过载,以至过载度,而这些又直接关系到输出的音色和演奏感觉。当master可以开大之后,它与gain或者drive的组合,就用了更多的可能性。


Touch sensitivity—这也是最常见的词语,触感敏锐的意思。Master开大之后,很多放大器都会变得触感更敏锐了。但这个词更多用于描述一台放大器具的高品质。

High gain—高增益,通常指失真度比较大的类型。




Raspy—焦躁的,刺耳的。很多放大器都有这个毛病,电路上可以通过调整负反馈和master volume的量来改善。真实的放大器则大多是因为生产品质问题导致的。

Sag—这个词不太好简单解释。它是一种供电不足的响应,当master开到很大时,也就是后级管(class AB后级)消耗的功率很大,供电电路会跟不上,尤其是用力那一下或者是那个音头,感觉反应慢了或者压缩严重了。有点类似于电子管整流和晶体管整流的区别,但又不全是。有些fuzz或者过载类效果器,用电池和用变压器会有不同感觉,也有部分原因是因为sag。

OUTPUT LEVEL – This is a copy of the LEVEL control on the MIX page for easy volume adjustment without page turning. This only affects volume. It has no effect on tone! For many people, this is the “go to” parameter for setting the output level of a preset.




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